Lessons learned and re-learned.
Proof read and read again.
The original I sent out was a draft the copy, below is the final version.
Date correction, updated cost .
To All
Our first campout of the new year will be at Thomas Point Park on the Chesapeake Bay.  It will be a Two night Campout, September 20th through the 22nd.  (We need to make up for missed nights camping last spring.)
The purpose of the event will be to provide additional opportunities for the Scouts to continue their advancement and improve their camping skills.
The highlight of the event will be a Roast Pig Dinner on Saturday evening.   We will be roasting the Pig throughout the day Saturday.  There will be additional foodstuffs for those who do not wish to partake of the barbeque.   The barbeque will be open to families and scouts to drop in for dinner on Saturday.
The Snacks for Friday evening, Breakfast and lunch on Saturday and Breakfast on Sunday will be the responsibility of the patrols and Patrol Leaders, menu planning will be required.
The fee for the event will be $10.00 per person, payable to Troop 1441 BSA.
Meals will be paid separately at $3.50 per meal (3 meals 10.50, payable to the Patrol Leaders.)
Fishing will be available.
Permission Slip attached.
John Wnek
SM 1441

Boy Scouts of America Troop 1441, www.Troop1441.com
White Oak and Colesville, Maryland
John Wnek, Scoutmaster
Sponsored by St John the Baptist Catholic Community, www.sjbsilverspring.org
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